Press Releases

Hayes praises House ballot security measure, Summer Lee votes against ballot safeguards #2

PITTSBURGH – Republican Congressional candidate James Hayes today lauded the U.S. House for passing a bill to ensure that only United States citizens vote in our elections and expressed no surprise that left-wing Squad member Summer Lee voted against the measure.

“She made the outlandish statement that it’s somehow racist and xenophobic to ask that only citizens vote in our elections,” Hayes said. “She should know that scores of countries, including far-left regimes Summer Lee would endorse, require that people prove their identities when voting and limit voting in national elections to citizens.”

Hayes is challenging Lee for the U.S. House Seat in the 12th Congressional District.

Responding to mounting concerns about foreign nationals voting illegally in American elections, the House last week passed the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act. The bill largely mirrors similar laws in force in other western democracies.

 Lee was among House Democrats who refused to vote for the law.

“We need to think about this,” Hayes said. “Our region’s sitting member of Congress refused to support a law limiting the vote in this year’s presidential contest to American citizens.”

Liberal activists have repeatedly insisted that only a handful of instances voter fraud have been documented in recent years. Hayes noted that those same instances reveal vulnerabilities within the system that would not be tolerated in any other important process.

“Close enough isn’t good enough in medicine or aviation,” Hayes said. “But for some reason, instead of eliminating the vulnerabilities, Summer Lee wants to institutionalize them. She thinks it’s a good idea to build a campfire next to the fireworks factory. With the unprecedented level of illegal border crossers that have entered the country in the last three years, it is only prudent to follow the ‘better safe than sorry’ approach to our national elections.”

James Hayes is a business executive with a doctorate in business, running to challenge incumbent Summer Lee in next year’s congressional elections. Hayes held top positions with Fortune 500 companies as well as a six-year stint with the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, Va. A native Pennsylvanian, Hayes is the son of a union steelworker who was among those displaced by the massive deindustrialization of the 1980s. He credits the United Steelworkers of America for providing the scholarship money that first sent him to college. He describes himself as a free-market advocate opposed to the radical economic experiments and anti-business activism proposed by Lee and her fellow “squad” members. You can review James Hayes’ resume and more details on his goals for the 12th District by visiting his website:
